7395 FRUs FRU#
Tier RoHS?
Shield, system board (945GZ) (all models) 41N5286 N Y
Miscellaneous hardware kit (all models) 41N5334 N Y
Cable, hard disk drive and optical drive signal (2-drop) (all models) 41A7875 N Y
Card Reader Bezel (all models) 41N5340 2 Y
Dongle Cable - DMS59 to dual VGA (all models) 41D2399 2 Y
Battery 3V-lithium (all models) 33F8354 2 Y
7395 Keyboards (USB Preferred - Fullwidth) FRU#
Tier RoHS?
US English (models 42H) 41A5289 1 Y
Chinese/US (models 41B) 41A5296 1 Y
7395 Keyboards (USB, Productivity) FRU#
Tier RoHS?
US English (models 43M 43A 91M 91H) 41A4961 1 Y
Brazilian (models 91P) 41A4966 1 Y
Hong Kong/Taiwan (models 44V 91B) 41A4968 1 Y
LA Spanish (models 91S 91Y) 41A4983 1 Y
7395 Keyboards (Fingerprint Reader, USB) FRU#
Tier RoHS?
US English (models 21M 21A) 41A5248 1 Y
Chinese/US (models 22V) 41A5255 1 Y
7395 mice FRU#
Tier RoHS?
Mouse, USB Optical Wheel (all models) 41A5085 1 Y
Mouse, USB Optical Wheel - Logitec (all models) 41A5089 1 Y
7395 Adapters and miscellaneous FRUs FRU#
Tier RoHS?
ATI X300SE 128MB (models 43M 43A 44V) 39J9635 2 Y
Boston - ATI X700 PRO 128MB (models 91S 91P 91Y 91M 91B 91H) 39J6203 2 Y
Internal USB Memory Card Reader (models 21M 21A 22V 43M 43A 44V 91S 91P
91Y 91M 91B 91H)
41X2089 2 Y
7395 Power Cords FRU#
Tier RoHS?
Power Cord (US) (models 21A 43A 91S) 39M5080 1 Y
Power Cord (Brazil) (models 91P) 39M5232 1 Y
Power Cord (LA High Volt) (non-APU) (models 91Y) 39M5067 1 Y
Power Cord (Australia, New Zealand) (models 21M 43M 91M) 39M5102 1 Y
190 Lenovo 3000 J Series