Managing Trusted Devices on a Personal Cloud 80
Disconnecting Trusted Devices 80
Deleting Trusted Devices 80
Using Copy Jobs with a LenovoEMC Personal Cloud 81
Disabling or Deleting Your LenovoEMC Personal Cloud 82
Accessing Content Using Your LenovoEMC Personal Cloud 83
Informing Users What to Do with LenovoEMC Personal Cloud 84
Sharing Content Using Social Media 85
Sharing Content Using Social Media: Overview 86
Facebook 87
Flickr 88
YouTube 89
Share Content through LenovoEMC Personal Cloud 90
Media Management 91
Media Management Overview 92
Scanning for media content 92
Media Services Capabilities and Limitations 93
Sharing Media Content over the Internet 94
Enabling Internet Access from the Media Server Page 94
Media Aggregation 95
Enabling Media Aggregation 95
Social Media Sharing 96
Streaming Music, Movies, and Pictures 97
Example: Setting up iTunes 97
Example: Setting up Xbox 360 97
Photos 98
Photos Overview 98
Streaming Pictures 98
Creating a Slideshow on the Device Home Page 98
Automatically Resizing Your Photos 98
Getting Pictures from Your Camera 99
Getting Pictures from Your Camera 99
Music 100
Music Overview 100
Streaming Music 100