Chapter 1. Introduction
This Installation Guide contains instructions for setting up the Lenovo
TS100 Machine Types 6431, 6432, 6433, 6434 server and basic
instructions for installing some optional devices. More detailed instructions for
installing optional devices are in the User Guide on the ThinkServer Documentation
DVD, which comes with the server. This document contains information about:
v Setting up and cabling the server
v Starting and configuring the server
v Installing some optional devices
v Solving problems
firmware and documentation updates are available, you can download them
from the Lenovo Web site. The server might have features that are not described in
the documentation that comes with the server, and the documentation might be
updated occasionally to include information about those features, or technical
updates might be available to provide additional information that is not included
in the server documentation. To check for updates, complete the following steps.
Changes are made periodically to the Lenovo Web site. Procedures for
locating firmware and documentation might vary slightly from what is
described in this document.
1. Go to: http://www.lenovo.com/support.
2. Enter your product number (machine type and model number) or select
Servers and Storage from the Select your product list.
3. Select Servers and Storage from the Brand list.
4. From Family list, select ThinkServer TS100, and click Continue.
5. Click Downloads and drivers for firmware updates, or click User's guides and
manuals for documentation updates.
server comes with a ThinkServer EasyStartup DVD to help you configure the
hardware, install device drivers, and install supported operating systems.
The server comes with a limited warranty. For information about the terms of the
warranty and getting service and assistance, see the Warranty and Support
Information document.
You can obtain up-to-date information about the server and other Lenovo
products at: http://www.lenovo.com/thinkserver.
Record information about the server in the following table. You will need this
information when you register the server with Lenovo.
Product name ThinkServer TS100
Machine type 6431, 6432, 6433, 6434
Model number _____________________________________________
Serial number _____________________________________________
Key serial number _____________________________________________
Key manufacturer _____________________________________________
© Lenovo 2008, 2009. Portions © IBM Corp. 2008. 1