
Limited Warranty shall be resolved by the Istanbul Central (Sultanahmet) Courts and Execution
Directorates of Istanbul, the Republic of Turkey; 8) in each of the following specified countries, any legal
claim arising out of this Statement of Limited Warranty will be brought before, and settled exclusively by,
the competent court of a) Athens for Greece, b) Tel Aviv-Jaffa for Israel, c) Milan for Italy, d) Lisbon for
Portugal, and e) Madrid for Spain; and 9) in the United Kingdom, both of us agree to submit all
disputes relating to this Statement of Limited Warranty to the jurisdiction of the English courts.
Arbitration: The following is added under this heading:
In Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Georgia, Hungary,
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, FYR Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia,
Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and FR Yugoslavia all disputes arising out of this
Statement of Limited Warranty or related to its violation, termination or nullity will be finally settled
under the Rules of Arbitration and Conciliation of the International Arbitral Center of the Federal
Economic Chamber in Vienna (Vienna Rules) by three arbitrators appointed in accordance with these
rules. The arbitration will be held in Vienna, Austria, and the official language of the proceedings will be
English. The decision of the arbitrators will be final and binding upon both parties. Therefore, pursuant
to paragraph 598 (2) of the Austrian Code of Civil Procedure, the parties expressly waive the application
of paragraph 595 (1) figure 7 of the Code. Lenovo may, however, institute proceedings in a competent
court in the country of installation.
In Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania all disputes arising in connection with this Statement of Limited
Warranty will be finally settled in arbitration that will be held in Helsinki, Finland in accordance with the
arbitration laws of Finland then in effect. Each party will appoint one arbitrator. The arbitrators will then
jointly appoint the chairman. If arbitrators cannot agree on the chairman, then the Central Chamber of
Commerce in Helsinki will appoint the chairman.
The warranty for Machines acquired in EU countries is valid and applicable in all EU countries provided
the Machines have been announced and made available in such countries.
How to Obtain Warranty Service: The following is added to this section:
To obtain warranty service from IBM service in EU countries, see the telephone listing in Part 3 -
Warranty Information.
You may contact IBM service at the following address:
IBM Warranty & Service Quality Dept.
PO Box 30
Spango Valley
Scotland PA16 0AH
Consumers have legal rights under applicable national legislation governing the sale of consumer goods.
Such rights are not affected by the warranties provided in this Statement of Limited Warranty.
Limitation of Liability: The following replaces the terms of this section in its entirety:
Except as otherwise provided by mandatory law:
1. Lenovo’s liability for any damages and losses that may arise as a consequence of the fulfillment of its
obligations under or in connection with this Statement of Limited Warranty or due to any other cause
related to this Statement of Limited Warranty is limited to the compensation of only those damages
and losses proved and actually arising as an immediate and direct consequence of the non-fulfillment
of such obligations (if Lenovo is at fault) or of such cause, for a maximum amount equal to the
charges you paid for the Machine.
Lenovo Statement of Limited Warranty 19