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Lenovo Support Web site
Technical support information is available on the Lenovo Support Web site at:
This Web site is updated with the latest support information such as the following:
Drivers and software
Diagnostic solutions
Product and service warranty
Product and parts details
User guides and manuals
Knowledge base and frequently asked questions
Recording your computer information
Recording information about your computer can be helpful if you ever need to
have your computer serviced. The service technician will probably ask you for
this information.
The machine type, model, and serial number are labeled on your computer. Use
the following table to record this information.
Product name
Machine type and model
Serial number (S/N)
Date of purchase
You can register your computer by following the instructions at:
You will receive the following benets after registering your computer:
Faster service when you call for help
Chapter 3. Information resources 17