Instruction manual V2.2 – 08/2007
The new, or factory reconditioned, Leica Knife has very precise wedge and
cutting facet angles. These angles permit the knife to ,meet“ the glass hone
plate in the correct manner for proper coarse and fine honing.
For this reason, please remember :
1. The use of only new or factory reconditioned Leica Knives in good condi-
tion is recommended. In a very few instances (where angles and configu-
ration are similar) competitive knives may be sharpened on the Leica Knife
Sharpener. Even in these cases, Leica does not guarantee optimum re-
sults. Hollow ground knives of any type simply cannot be sharpened sat-
isfactorily on the Leica Knife Sharpener.
2. If your Leica Knives have been sharpened by any other method, they
must be reconditioned by Leica to restore proper angles prior to shar-
pening on the Leica Knife Sharpener.
3. Leica Knives with large nicks in the area of the knife used for sectioning
should, as a general rule, be factory reconditioned.
4. After many repeated sharpenings, the angles of coarse and fine honed
cutting facets will widen excessively. At that time, the knife should be
sent to the factory where the entire knife thickness will be ground down
slightly to restore proper angle, as illustrated above.
Knives which, by sharpening or reconditioning, have eventually
been reduced in size (from back to cutting edge) to 27 mm or less
cannot be resharpened on the Leica Knife Sharpener nor can they
be factory reconditioned.
The Leica Microtome Knife Sharpener is of durable construction with re-
markable design simplicity. Except for routine cleaning and occasional lu-
brication, no other maintenance should be required. Even after years of use,
only a few parts are likely to need replacement.
widened bevel
Surface must be
factory ground to
restore proper bevel
7. Redressing hone glass plates