
Leica RM2125 Troubleshooting Guide
3. Chatter
a) Venetian Blind affect
b) Wash board
c) Undulations
Cause(s) / Corrective Action
I) Sectioning speed too high.
a) Rotate the handwheel at a slower speed.
II) Clearance angle too big.
Clearance angle adjustment: Systematically decrease the clearance angle until the optimum adjustment is obtained.
III) Damage to pressure plate exists:
– Bent
– Nicked
c) Replace the pressure plate. Part number: RM2100 series complete: 14050233128
IV) Insufficient clamping of specimen and/or knife.
e) Check if all the levers are locked and screws are tightened on the specimen knife holder systems.
Retighten the levers and screws if necessary.
V) Incompatible blades. Blade is possibly too thin, causing flex if the specimen is too hard.
e) Try using a different brand or grade of blades.
VI) High profile knife may be too thick.
f) Try using a different brand or grade of blades.
VII) Wax buildup on the back of the front pressure plate.
Clean back of pressure plate.
VIII) Application issue, not a microtome problem.
– Infiltration
– Dehydration
continued on page 6
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