
8 Leica MZ16 F – Safety concept
Repairs and servicing
Only Leica Microsystems-trained service tech-
nicians, or technical specialists assigned by
the person in charge of the instrument, are
permitted to carry out repairs.
Only original Leica Microsystems spare parts
may be used.
Disconnect the power cable before opening
voltage-carrying parts such as the power
supply or the supply unit.
Touching the live circuit can cause injury.
Installation in third-party products
When installing Leica products into third-party
products, note the following:
The manufacturer of the complete system or its
dealer is responsible for following all applicable
safety instructions, laws and guidelines.
The product must be disposed of in accordance
with locally applicable laws and regulations.
Dispose of used high-pressure mercury burn-
ers as hazardous waste.
Legal requirements
Adhere to general and local regulations relating to
accident prevention and environmental protec-
Conformity with European Community directive
The Leica MZ16 F and its accessories are con-
structed in accordance with the latest technolo-
gies and are provided with a statement of confor-
mity with EC requirements.
Health risks
Workplaces with stereomicroscopes both
improve and make visual tasks easier, but they
also place high demands on the human visual
apparatus and the muscular "holding apparatus"
of the user. Depending on the duration of uninter-
rupted work, asthenopia and musculoskeletal
problems may occur. For this reason, appropriate
measures for reduction of the workload must be
optimal arrangement of workplace, work
assignments and work flow (changing tasks
thorough training of the personnel, giving
consideration to ergonomic and organization
The ergonomic design and construction of
Leica M series stereomicroscopes are intended
to reduce the exertion of the user to a minimum.
Direct contact with eyepieces is a potential
transmission method for bacterial and viral infec-
tions of the eye.
The risk can be kept to a minimum by using per-
sonal eyepieces for each individual or detachable