Leica M-series User Manual 115
Filter Changer
The patented FLUOIII® filter system consists of
a filter changer for barrier and excitation filters,
a UV shutter that can be activated/deactivated,
and a filter insert for a filter holder with your
choice of filter.
The filter changer can hold a total of 4 filter sets.
The filter sets for fluorescence are labeled (see
Page 118). All filter sets are equipped with a tran-
sponder for automatic filter detection and can
also be used with the motorized Leica M205 FA.
The scope of delivery of the Leica M205 FA and
Leica M165 FC includes three simple filter hold-
ers without fluorescence for empty filter posi-
tions and transmitted or incident light observa-
tion without fluorescence. These filter holders
have two empty openings for the observation
beam paths. The third opening, to the illumina-
tion beam path, is closed.
If you are using fewer than four filter
holders with fluorescence filters, always
insert the included simple filter holders with
closed illumination beam path into the avail-
able positions. Otherwise, there is a risk of
danger to the eyes from direct UV radiation
from the third beam path.
The simple filter holders also protect the
system from dust.
Filter sets for fluorescence
The filter sets for fluorescence contain, on one
filter holder, two barrier filters to the visual
beam paths and one excitation filter to the illu-
mination beam path. The fluorescence filters
have a transponder with the specific filter data
for use with the motorized Leica M205 FA. The
filter sets are labeled (see Page 118).
A selection of the available filters
including simple filter holder (bottom right)