Leica ICC50 HD Manual 12
Leica ICC50 HD: Overview
1. Black Multipurpose button: Press for
1 second – page through illumination
settings. Press for 5 seconds – change
mode between HD mode and PC Mode
2. Red Multipurpose button (only active in HD
Ϙ Press for one second to capture image onto
SD Card.
Ϙ Press for 5 seconds to set white balance
(wait for beep).
Ϙ Press for 10 seconds to reset camera to
factory settings (wait for second beep).
1 3
3. LED status indicator:
Ϙ Green means power is on and ready for
image capture.
Ϙ Red means power is on but not ready for
image capture (ie: no SD card, SD card full,
Software not launched when in PC mode)
Ϙ Yellow means initializing. Orange means
camera failure (restart or call for service).
4. SD card Slot: Accepts SD card for stand-
alone image capture.