7. Startup
Centering the Hg 50 W Mercury Lamp
• The adjustment window shows the direct im-
age of the arc and its mirror image. These are
generally not in alignment with one another.
• Focus the direct image with the collector (46.6).
• Use the adjusting buttons on the rear side of
the lamp housing (46.2, 46.4) to rotate the mir-
ror image of the arc to the side or completely
out of the beam path. The arc’s focused image
remains visible (Fig. 50).
• Use the adjusting buttons (46.1) and (46.5) to
place the direct arc image right or left on an
imaginary center line of the centering plane
(Fig. 51).
• Then rotate the mirror image of the arc with
the adjusting knobs (46.2) and (46.4), and fo-
cus it using the reflector (46.3).
• Orient the mirror image symmetrically to the
direct image (Fig. 52). To do so, again use the
adjusting knobs (46.2) and (46.4).
• Using the collector, defocus the image with
the collector head (46.6) until the arc image
and mirror image are no longer recognizable
and the image is uniformly illuminated.
• Replace the lamp adjustment reflector with
the original filter cube.
Fig. 52 Direct arc image and mirror image in target
(in reality, the image is less focused)
Fig. 51 Direct arc image in target position
(in reality, the image is less focused)
Fig. 50 Direct arc image focused but not centered
(in reality, the image is less focused)