6. Startup
The display shows the current microscope set-
tings. The display depends on the microscope’s
configuration. In the first column, corresponding
pictograms indicate the type of information: con-
trast method, magnification, light intensity, dia-
phragms, light splitting for photo tubes.
Please see the abbreviation index for a list of ab-
breviations and pictograms used →
p. 67.
Contrast Method
In the first row, you find an indication of the ac-
tive light axis (transmitted light or incident light)
of the current contrast method and the current
filter cube.
The shutter status is displayed for the
transmitted light or incident light shutter:
Transmitted light shutter open
Transmitted light shutter closed
Incident light shutter open
Incident light shutter closed
The current objective magnification, sometimes
followed by the re-magnification of the magnifi-
cation changer, appears along with the total
Σ = Objective x Re-magnification x Eyepiece
6.4 The Function Keys
Light Intensity
The actual brightness setting is graphically de-
picted by a beam. Additionally, the light intensity
is indicated in 20 (coarse adjustment) or in 255
(fine adjustment) increments →
p. 52.
The values for the field diaphragm (FD) and the
aperture diaphragm (AP) are indicated numeri-
cally. The field diaphragm may be either round or
rectangular. Accordingly, the FD designation is
set in parentheses or in brackets: (FD) or [FD].
When using a digital camera, rectangular field
diaphragms are recommended.
Beam splitting
If a motorized tube is used, the light splitting
between ocular (Eye) and photo output (Docu) is
indicated in %.
The display may flash after the initialization
phase or even during microscopy session. This
always occurs when the contrast method
selected can not be performed with the actual
microscopic settings. For example, an objective
may be swiveled in that is not suited to the
contrast method chosen.
Then check your settings.