The LavaPort-Quad supports data rates up to 460.8 kbps,including
115.2 kbps and 230.4 kbps. However, not all modems support Com Port
rates above 115.2 kbps.
If your modem does not support higher data rates and you select a
higher data rate in the LavaPort-Quad Properties,Windows will
automatically default to the slowest supported rate in the chain.
Some modems do support higher data rates but require special settings
(AT Commands) and setup files for configuration. Contact your modem
manufacturer for details.
NOTE: Lava’s technical support department has tested the LavaPort-
Quad with several modems, and we have posted instructions on
configuring such modems for higher speed data rates on our web site.
Please check www.lavalink.com,Tech Support, FAQ for details.
Setting a 230.4 kbps Data Rate