General Information
This installation manual covers the Model 24A715 and 24A715M Master Clocks. Both
clocks are installed and programmed in similar fashions. The main difference between
the clocks is the 24A715M is equipped with a built-in modem capable of communicating
with a PC, or for synchronizing with the NIST Atomic Clock. Both clocks have eight cir
cuits that can be programmed to ring bells or activate circuits for up to 99 seconds, and/or
synchronize the time on three types of clock systems (any two manufacturing brands of
clocks listed in Appendix B, plus compatible RS-485 time synchronization devices). You
can program up to 512 events to activate single or multiple circuits on a given day and
time. The 24A715M can also connect to a PC running Microsoft Windows
using op
tional MasterLink™ software available from Lathem.
Unless otherwise specified, “master clock” refers to both units in this document.
The master clock can be programmed with these functions:
• User password
Date and time
Clock types to synchronize
Manual bell control (example: sounding a fire alarm)
Bell schedules (with events lasting up to 99 seconds)
Note: If a contact closurer in excess of 99 seconds is required, an external
latching relay will be required. This relay is not supplied by Dukane.
Dates when automatic schedule changes go into effect
Manual circuit disabling (example: for safety during maintenance)
Daylight saving time features
Instant bell schedule changes
Instant clock synchronization
Holiday schedules
Communications when using the master clock with an RS-485 network, modem
access, or the optional MasterLink programming software (available from Lathem)
Parts List
Verify that the master clock came with these parts:
Master clock (ready to surface mount)
User guide (document number 427-07-00047)
Installation hardware kit with mounting screws and two extra cover screws
Two L-brackets used for rack mounting
Power supply box cover used for rack mounting
24A715/24A715M Master Clock Installation Manual