Details Continued
Basics of a Pocket Screw Joint
Pocket Screw joinery is among the stron-
gest of joints in woodworking. When the
workpieces are cut accurately, the large
head of the screw creates a lot of clamping
force in the bottom of the Pocket, draw-
ing the pieces together for an extremely
tight joint. Of course, it’s important to use
the right screw and one that’s the proper
length. You can read more about our
Pocket Screws on page 7.
What can be easier about joining two pieces
of wood? Unlike biscuits or dowels, with
Pocket Screw joinery, you’re drilling holes
into only one workpiece and driving a screw.
Once you’re set up, it only takes a few
seconds to drill the Pocket Hole and drive
the screw home. No other woodworking joint
takes so little time to produce, yet provides
such a strong joint.
Large pocket hole
diameter provides
clearance for screw head
Pocket Screws are designed
to exert a lot of clamping pressure,
creating a stong, tight joint line
Guide hole for screw shank
We’re often asked, “Should I use glue
for my Pocket Screw joints?” It certainly
doesn’t hurt, but it’s not mandatory. Of
course, whether or not you use glue will
depend on the type of project you’re
building and the stresses it will see
over its lifetime.
Fast and Easy
Glue is Optional
The drill bit included in this kit is specially-designed for drilling
Pocket Holes. The narrow tip drills the guide hole for the
Pocket Screw. The larger diameter drills the actual “pocket” to
house the screw and create a fl at bottom to allow the screw
to seat securely. The key to drilling clean Pocket Holes it to
use a smooth, continuous motion. Bring your portable drill
up to its highest speed and smoothly plunge the bit into the
steel drill guide. The wood chips and sawdust will automati-
cally be ejected for a nice, clean Pocket Hole. When you use
your Kreg Jig
for the fi rst few times, you may see some blue
plastic chips while drilling. But don’t worry—this is perfectly
normal and won’t affect the life of the Kreg Jig
or the quality
of your Pocket Holes.
Joint line