Here you can specify a name for each program.
• +/– buttons: Select the character location
(the selected character will blink)
• Value dial: Select the character
The following characters can be used:
space, 0–9, A–Z, “, ‘, ✳, +, -, /
Here you can write (store) an edited program or a
program that you created.
Use the Value dial to select the writing destination
(User programs only). When you do so, the name
of the program that currently occupies the writing
destination will be displayed briefly.
If you decide not to write, press the EDIT √ button
to select a different screen.
When you press the BYPASS
TUNE button, the
edited program will be written into memory.
When the program has been written, the LCD will
indicate “COMPL” for approximately one second.
TUNE button: Write
• Value dial: Select a user program number as
the writing destination
Before writing an edited program into a differ-
ent program number, be sure that you do not
mind overwriting the data that is currently in that
program number. The program data that is over-
written will be lost.
It is not possible to write to a preset program.