3. Basic operation (Quick Start)
3. Basic operation (Quick Start)
Trying out the functions
Changing the tempo of a song or pattern
The tempo that you change here will return to the original tempo when you stop
playback and switch to a different pattern or song.
• Using the dial to change the tempo
1. Press the Mode key to enter Song mode or
Pattern mode.
2. Use the cursor [▲][▼] keys to set the pa-
rameter select LED to Te mp o .
3. Rotate the dial to change the tempo.
4. If you wish to adjust the tempo in more detail, you can hold down the Shift
key and rotate the dial to modify the decimal portion of the value.
• Using the Tap Tempo key to change the tempo
While a song or pattern is playing, press the Tap key three times or more at the
desired tempo. The ES-1 will detect the interval at which you pressed the Tap
key, and will set the tempo accordingly. The tempo can also be changed in this
way even if the ES-1 is not currently playing a song or pattern.
Use the cursor [▲][▼] keys to make the parameter select LEDs indicate Tempo,
and the tempo you modified will appear in the display.
Striking keys to play Parts
By striking the part keys, you can play the corresponding sounds.
The audio-in parts will sound when an audio signal is connected to the
audio input jacks. (☞p.22, "Connecting various sources to the audio in-
puts.") However even if sound is being input, it will not be heard if Audio
In Thru is turned on.
The sound of a part consists of an assigned sample that has been modified
or processed, and will differ for each pattern. Rotate the dial to select vari-
ous patterns, and listen to the wide variety of sounds.
Pressing the Accent Part key will not cause the Accent part to sound. If the sample
assigned to sample part 1 or 3 is stereo, sample parts 2 or 4 will not sound. It is not
possible to play both sample parts 6A and 6B simultaneously, or both 7A and 7B
simultaneously. It is not possible to play a part to which a sample of “oFF” is assigned.
What is a Part?
A Part is the smallest unit that makes up a Pattern, and consists
of a sound and the timing (rhythm pattern) at which it is played,
effect on/off settings, and motion sequence data. There are a
total of twelve parts, as follows. (☞p.33 “Pattern mode”)
• Sample parts (1—5, 6A-6B, 7A-B): A sample sound and a
rhythm pattern.
• Slice Sample part: A sample sound and a rhythm pattern.
• Audio In part: A rhythm pattern for the external input.
• Accent part: A rhythm pattern that specifies the points of emphasis (accents) for the entire pattern.
The sound can be modified independently for each part, and the rhythm pattern, effect on/off settings,
and motion sequence etc. are also stored individually for each part (☞p.35 “Editing the sound of a part”).
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 64
----------Motion sequence data------ ---
Three times
or more
Change the tempo of
a song
Change the tempo of
a pattern