
Network settings
7-32 IC-206
2 Type in the port number of the POP3 server.
A port number between 1 and 65535 can be specified. Normally,
port number 110 is used.
3 Press the [OK] key.
After the message “ACCEPTED” appears, the “E-MAIL SETTING 2”
menu appears again.
Specifying the POP3 server connection timeout
1 In the “E-MAIL SETTING 2” menu, press the [,] or [+] key until “POP3
TIMEOUT” is selected, and then press the [OK] key.
2 Type in the length of time (in seconds) until the connection times out.
The timeout period can be set between 30 and 300 seconds.
3 Press the [OK] key.
After the message “ACCEPTED” appears, the “E-MAIL SETTING 2”
menu appears again.