Mechanized Processing
Notice: Observe precautionary information on products labels and on the Material Safety Data Sheets.
This film can be processed in equipment with mechanical switches or ultrasonic sensors. More details
are available from your Kodak representative or distributor. The following recommendations provide a
range of acceptable developer times and temperatures. Higher development temperatures require
shorter development times. Generally, times and temperatures near the center of the specified range will
produce optimum results for the product. However, criteria other than the development time may dictate
the acceptable processing speed for any particular processor. Within the range given, a development
time should be selected that will provide sufficient fixing, washing and drying of the product. Use Kodak
RA 2000 developer and replenisher (1:4 dilution) at 85 - 105° F (30 - 40° C) and a development range
of 20 - 45 seconds. Replenishment rates are included in the table below:
Average D-max Area Basic Replenishment Rates
10% 0.12 – 0.15 mL/sq. in. (185 – 235 mL/sq. m)
20% 0.20 mL/sq. in. (310 mL/sq. m)
50% 0.30 mL/sq. in. (465 mL/sq. m)
80% 0.48 mL/sq. in. (745 mL/sq. m)
100% 0.60 mL/sq. in. (930 mL/sq. m)
The starting point recommendation for development is 30 seconds at 95° F (35° C). A 1:2 developer
dilution ratio may be used when intermixing with Kodak Recording 2000 films. Use Kodak 3000 fixer
and replenisher, part A (1:3 dilution). The basic replenisher rate is 0.35 mL/sq. in. (545 mL/sq. m). Part B
(hardener) may be used at dilutions up to 1:40 (using
fixer) where film drying problems are being
encountered, or where additional protection from post-process abrasions are required. For batch type
processors where ready-to-use solutions are needed, Kodak RA 2001 developer and replenisher and
Kodak RA 3001 fixer and replenisher are recommended. If utilization rate will provide at least one tank
turnover per week, Kodak RA 2050 developer replenisher can be used with lower replenishment rates.
© Kodak, 2006. Kodak and Gen 5 are trademarks of Kodak.