EEvveerryytthhiinngg ppoowweerrss uupp aanndd llooookkss ggrreeaatt,, jjuusstt nnoo ssoouunndd::
Is the MUTE indicator blinking in the WXRC display?. Turn off mute for all amplifiers.
Use the Pink Noise function to test system for audio output. The pink noise function injects its
signal directly into the amplifier after the DSP processor. This helps to determine if the problem
is before the DSP and amplifier or after.
If you have pink noise from all your speakers then check your :
Gain Range settings.
Gain settings.
Crossover settings.
RCA cables and connections.
Head unit fader, balance and volume controls.
If you don’t have pink noise from all your speakers then check your :
Speaker cables and connections.
Amplifier power and speaker connections.
OOtthheerr pprroobblleemm,, II aamm lloosstt,, II ddoonn’’tt kknnooww,, HHeellpp!!::
Contact your local Authorized KICKER Dealer where you
purchased your unit for assistance.
Contact KICKER Technical Services for assistance.
WWhheenn jjuummpp ssttaarrttiinngg tthhee vveehhiiccllee,, bbee ssuurree tthhaatt ccoonnnneeccttiioonnss mmaaddee wwiitthh tthhee jjuummppeerr ccaabblleess
aarree ccoorrrreecctt.. IImmpprrooppeerr ccoonnnneeccttiioonnss ((++ ttoo -- && -- ttoo ++)) wwiillll rreessuulltt iinn bblloowwnn ffuusseess aass wweellll aass ffaaiilluurree ttoo ootthheerr
ssyysstteemmss iinn tthhee vveehhiiccllee..
If you have questions about the installation and operation of your new KICKER WXRC Remote
Control, see the Authorized KICKER Dealer in your area or contact KICKER Technical Services directly
at (405)624-8583.
Use this fill-in-the-blank chart to keep track of your WX Series amplifier’s
remote address and name. This is very helpful for
setting up your WXRC.
Amplifier 1
Amplifier 2
Amplifier 3
Amplifier 4
Amplifier 5
Amplifier 6
Amplifier 7
Amplifier 8
Amplifier 9
Amplifier 10
Amplifier 11
Amplifier 12
Amplifier 13
Amplifier 14
Amplifier 15
Amplifier 16
Amplifier Name
It is going to happen, you will change your mind or change your system.
Just for that need, here is a spare chart. Photocopy this page and you can
have all the charts you need.
Amplifier 1
Amplifier 2
Amplifier 3
Amplifier 4
Amplifier 5
Amplifier 6
Amplifier 7
Amplifier 8
Amplifier 9
Amplifier 10
Amplifier 11
Amplifier 12
Amplifier 13
Amplifier 14
Amplifier 15
Amplifier 16
Amplifier Name