D Select the on/off conditions or sizes of the speakers.
_A. If you want a simplified setup operation, select "Quick Setup"
_:_._z-'_rei!,_, ! i
L _ _ _ C : Center speaker
[ Custorn Setup .] _ S : Surround speakers
0 Set the "Yes" or "No" condition for each of "SW", "C" and
• Setect the "Entr" icon to enter ti_e selection
Select the "Next" icon to go to the next step.
B. If you want a detailed setup operation, select
When using widehand speakers, it is recommended to set the
speaker size in "SP Setectior_ (Custom)" to "Lrg",
When "Custom Setup" is selected, the "SP Selection (Custom)"
menu appears so you can select the "On"/'Off" condition,
"Lrg'*/"Nml"/"Off" size for each of "SW", "F', "C" and "S".
Z:E_ Igl_ II:Zmlrn_n ....
SW : Subwoofer
F Front speakers
C Center speaker
S Surround speakers
Lrg Large
Nml: Normal (Small)
"Custom Setup':
0 Set the details of each of "SW", "F", "C" and "S".
• SeJect the "Entr" _con to enter the seleetior_.
List of the relationship between speaker size and on/off
I [
Lrg OnlOff Off/Nm//Lrg Off/Nml! Lrg
I N._/ On Off/Nmi [ Oii)--_
• Setting "SW Re.r',tlix" to "On" adds the Jew-frequency cornpo
nents of "F", "C" arid "S" to "SW"
G Select the "Next" icon to go to the "Speaker Distance" menu
D Set the "Speaker Distance';
_.*_._l•]lk-R_.zlz=r- Illllll ]1 O Select the speaker (SP} with the "(_ "or "_ " icon.
mF-€-][_ @_(_ L :Left front speaker 0 Select the distance of the speaker (Dist,) with the "(_'or
i _ __;J-)_ C : Center speaker "_ " icon,
" !"i SW: Subweofer e Set each of "L", "C", "R", "RS", "LS" and "SW" by repeating
I_ _ _ :qR- : Right front speaker 0 and e.
i :'e.Surroundspeakar
.................. RS : Right Surround speaker O Select the "Next" icon to go to the next step,
Q Adjust the "Speaker level"
O Select and set the "Test Tone" icon to "Auto".
The icon can be switched to "Off", "Auto" and "Manual" in
• "LS" shown n the figure o_ the left indicates the speaker which
output the test tone whef_ "Test Tone" is set to "Auto" (the Left
Surround speaker)
O Ad}ust the level of the speaker (Level) with the "[_ "or "(_ "
• When "Manual" is selected above, seiect each speaker with the
"(_" or "(]_1" icon of "Channel" arid adjust its level
O Select the "Next" icon to go to the next step,
_ Set the "Surro.nd SP Type".
Select whether the surround speaker is a "Wired" or "Wireless"
Surround SP }
IIII IIIl'Wr_=_,--_l IIIII
............................. ____J
• When "Wireless" is selected, the compensation fOr applying
eq_,_ivalent signal delay to al_speakers will be applied aute, matiea_y
a Display "Wired" when the surround speakers are connected to
the mair_ unit through speaker cords