Since the thermostats are subjected to varying conditions within the home, it is extremely important that they be
secured firmly against the door or tub of the dishwasher in order to accurately sense the internal temperature
SURFACE-:':: ........
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The purpose of the lights is to indicate 1o the user o1 the dishwasher whether the hot water supplied to the machine
is hot enough to produce good dishwashing results The "Cool" tight ,will remain on until the water temperature in
the dishwasher reaches 1400 at which time the light switches from "Cool" to "Normal "
Dishwashing detergents state that temperatures delivered to the inlet valve must be at least t40 degrees This
minimum temperature is required because of the severe drop in water temperature as waler enters a cold steel tub :.
and [he fact that it must "heat up" the tub interior and its contents before it can be expeci_ed to maintain the in)et
water temperature
For example; if water at the tap measures 140 degrees upon entrance into a cold dishwasher, this water temperature
wil! drop to approximately 115 degrees or tess depending on the size of the load and the kind of dishware in the load
See Figure 62 As you can readily see, this would give only minimal warm water in the first wash to activate the
delergent The hotter the water is on the first fill, the quicker you will heat the tub and contents, and the better
you wilt maintain the heat
Long water runs, hot water pipes that pass through concrete slabs and crawl spaces will tend to cool the water
between fills Undercounter units that have an outside wall across the side or back tend to keep the tub cool
Therefore, always make yourself aware of all the conditions that can affect water temperature in your home
Also remember that any test involving thermostats and sensing devices must be done with all panel and components
in place throughout the testing
Water Heat Option 130°/140 °
Some models produced beginning in 1982 have a water heat option controlled by a 130°/140 ° iubular type thermo-
stat These models delay in the 2rid rinse, 2nd wash, and final rinse if the thermostat is not satisfied
Hot Rinse Option 150 °
Some models have a hol rinse option in the final rinse This functions exactly Iike the sani-lemp option of 150° in the -
final rinse The hot rinse option is controlled through a 150° tubular thermostat
High Limit Thermostat 180°
Models produced after 1982 have a 180° high limit thermostat This is a tubular type; it is normally closed ft breaks
the circuit to the heater when the temperature rating is reached On some models this thermostat may be reptaced
by a thermal fuse rated at 1O0°C This is located in the thermostat bracket on the door liner