To avoid damage tooutside wall of house, especially
ifwall isweak or outside supportssit between studs
inwall, place wood blocks (not provided) between
wall and each adjusting foot.
See Figure 26. Place carpenters' level on outer
case. Rear of case should be 1A"to 3/8"lower than
front of case (about ¼ bubble on level). Turn each
adjusting foot on outside supports in or out until it
begins to contact wall. Adjust position to achieve
proper slope for case.
Figure 26. AdjustingOuter Case Slope
1. Level
2. Outer case
3. Wood block
To prevent damage to window lockingor lifting
mechanisms from improperly placed sash bracket
screw, inspect window carefully before drilling or
installing screw in sash.
See Figure 27, Position sash bracket (Item F) on top
of indoor sash, flush with outdoor sash. Secure
bracket to outside sash using 7/8"sash bracket
screw (Item G). Drill a 1/8"pilot hole so screw is
easier to install.
Figure 27. Installing Sash Bracket
1. Indoorsash
2. Sash bracket
3. Sash bracket screw
See Figure 28. Expand right side curtain on air
conditioner until curtain istightagainst window
frame. With curtain tight against frame, find top hole
on curtain and mark location on indoor sash. Drill
Ve"pilot ho!e into window sash, and secure curtain
to sash with Phillips screw (Item H). Repeat for left
side curtain,
Figure 28. Securing Side Curtain
1. Indoor sash
2. Side curtain
11. See Figure 29. Measure and cut window seal strip
(item I) to width of window. Stuff window seal strip
between outdoor glass and top of indoor sash for
tight seal to keep out heat and insects.