Gettingto Know Your
This section discusses the concepts behind microwave cooking. It also shows you the basics you need to know
to operate your microwave oven. Please read this information before you use your oven.
Microwave energy is not hot. It causes food to make
its own heat, and it'sthis heat that cooks the food.
Microwaves are like TV waves, radio waves, or
light waves. You cannot see them, but you can see
what they do.
A magnetron in the microwave oven produces
microwaves. The microwaves move into the oven
where they contact food as it turns on the turntable.
Conventional microwave ovens operate on HIGH
power only. To achieve a 70% power level in a
conventional microwave oven, the oven operates
70% of the time at HIGH power and 30% of the
time OFF.
TheULTRAWAVETM InverterMicrowaveSystem
deliverspowercontinuously,to defrostmoreevenlyand
minimizeovercookingof foodandmessyfoodspatters.
Oven cavity
Metal floor Glass tray
The glass turntable of your microwave oven lets
microwaves pass through. Then they bounceoff a
metal floor, back through the glass turntable, and
are absorbed by the food.
Microwaves pass through most glass, paper, and
plasticswithout heating them so food absorbs the
energy. Microwaves bounce off metal containers so
food does not absorb the energy.
ULTRA WAVE TM Inverter Microwave System
ULTRA WAVE TM Inverter Microwave System gives
you better microwave cooking performance for
defrosting, cooking and reheating foods quickly
and uniformly.
The ULTRA WAVETM Inverter Microwave System
is proven technology that delivers a constant
stream of microwave power - true high, medium,
and low power.
Sensor Cooking
The ULTRAWAVE MInverterMicrowaveSystemfea-
turesSensor Cookingfunctions.A humiditysensorin
the ovencavitydetectsmoistureand humidityemitted
fromfood as itheats.The sensoradjustscookingtimes
to varioustypes andamountsof food. Sensorcooking
takes theguessworkoutof microwavecooking.
For the best cooking results
• Always cook food for the shortest cooking time
recommended. Check to see howthe food is
• Stir, turn over, or rearrange the food being
cooked about halfway through the cooking time
for all recipes. This will help make sure the food
is evenly cooked.
• If you do not have a cover for a dish, use wax
paper, or microwave-approved paper towels or
plastic wrap. Remember to turn back a corner of
the plastic wrap to vent steam during cooking.
Radio interference
Usingyour microwaveoven may causeinterference
to your radio,TV, or similarequipment.Whenthere is
interference,you can reduceit or removeit by:
• Cleaning the doorand sealingsurfacesof the oven.
• Adjusting the receivingantenna of the radioor
• Movingthe receiverawayfrom the microwaveoven.
• Pluggingthe microwaveoven intoa different outlet
so that the microwaveovenand receiverare on
different branchcircuits.