Audible signals
Audible signals are available to guide you when
setting and using your oven:
• A programming tone will sound each time
you toucha pad.
• Seven tones signal the end of a Kitchen Timer
• Four tones signal the end of a cooking cycle.
• Three tones sound once every minute after an
End-of-Cooking signal as a reminder if food has
not been removed from oven.
Interrupting cooking
You can stop the oven during a cycle by opening If you do not want to continue cooking:
the door. The oven stops heating and the fan • Close the door and the light goes off.
stops, but the light stays on. OR
To restart cooking, close the door and Touch • Touch OFF/CANCEL
Using Your Microwave Oven
This section gives you instructions for operating each function. Please read these instructions
Using the safety lock
The safety lockpreventsunwanteduseofthe To cancelthe safety lock:
microwaveovenby disablingthe controlpanel
Command Pads.
To lockor deactivatethe controlpanel:
Touch andhold START/ENTERfor 4 seconds.Two
toneswill sound and LOCKEDwill appearon the
Touchand holdSTART/ENTERfor 4 seconds.Two
toneswill soundand LOCKEDwill beclearedfrom
the display.