Your Home
For expe_ troubleshooting and home solutions advice:
For repair- in your home -of a!! major brand appliances,
lawn and garden equipment, or heating and cooling systems,
no ma_er who made it, no ma_er who so!d it!
For the replacement pa_s, accessories and
owner's manuals that you need to do4t-yourself.
For Sears professional installation of home appliances
and items iike garage door openers and water heaters.
® Regi_erred Trad; _mark _ _r Tra#emark _'_ Service f_ark oi Sea_s Bra_s LLC
_ Matca R,egisttada _' ' _a_ca de F_br_ca _'s_ Marca de Ser'_k_3 _ _ars B_a_ds, LLC
_:; M_,_e___ede,com_r_ __'_,_Ma_eu_ _e_e de _e_rs _rand_ LLC