1. Remove the collet and o-ring from the fitting with a
small screwdriver. Be careful not to scratch the internal
walls of the collet port. See Figures 27 & 28.
2. Clean collet port, lubricate and insert the o-ring seal
into the bottom of the port. See Figures 27 & 28.
3. Push the collet inward until it locks in place. See Figures
27 & 28.
Push o-ring seal into bottom of
port then follow with collet.
_/_}\ 1 Fitting
Change collet and o-ring Figure 27
Collet (depressto
Disconnect Tubing
Figure 28
When the coin battery is first applied at initial start up,
the LED indicator light will flash in a red, amber, green
sequence. All timers and counters are reset to zero. In
order to reset the time and gallon count feature, push the
the button on the PWA and hold until the LED flashes and
release. The battery needs to be replaced at the time of
filter replacement. Use only lithium batteries (CR 2032 or
equivalent). Improper placement of battery could dam-
age electronics. Use care when inserting the battery to
align it correctly on PWA with the proper polarity.
PWA board
Battery J
Reset button
Figure 29
NOTE: It is not recommended that the RO assembly be
opened. If this becomes necessary, pay careful attention
to the layout of the parts and the routing of the tubing. It
will be necessary to assemble the unit exactly as shown
for the system to fit together and function properly.
Figure 30
Questions? Call The Kenmore Water Line 1-800-426-9345 or visit KenmoreWater.com