Take a length of 3/8" inside diameter drain tubing and
attach one end to the drain fitting. See Fig. 16. Use a
tube clamp to hold it in place. Put the other end of the
tubing over a floor drain, into a laundry tub, standpipe,
or other suitable drain. Check your local codes.
Leave an air gap of about 1-1/2" between the end of
the hose and the drain. This gap is needed so you
don't get a backflow of sewer water into the softener.
Do not put the end of the hose into the drain or con-
nect without the air gap.
Place and support the hose so it does not kink or have
sharp bends. Secure the hose end so water pressure
does not cause the hose to "whip". Tie or wire it in
place. Do not pinch the hose shut. The softener will
not work if this drain hose is pinched, plugged,
closed or restricted in any way. Direct drain flow
down into drain from drain line as flow could possibly
over shoot the drain cover.
Keep the hose lower than the drain fitting. In some
homes, to get to a drain you must raise the hose and
run it overhead. If you need an overhead drain, do not
raise the hose more than 8' above the floor. A copper
drain tube is best to use.
COPPER DRAIN TUBE: The local plumbing codes
may require the use a copper valve drain tube. A cop-
per tube is also best to use for an overhead drain. Use
a copper drain tube if the softener is installed outside,
or in the sunlight. Heat from the sun can soften, flatten
and close up some kinds of tubes.
To adapt a copper drain tube to the softener, buy a
compression fitting (1/4" female pipe threads x 1/2"
O.D. tube) and tubing from your local hardware store.
1. Locate the rubber grommet, tube adaptor and tube
clamp (see Fig. 16) that are in the parts bag.
2. Push the grommet into the hole in the salt tank wall
so half is inside and half is outside.
3. Push the bigger end of the tube adaptor into the
4. Push one end of a length of 3/8" I.D. tubing onto
the tube adaptor, using the tube clamp to hold it in
5. Put the other end of the tubing over the floor drain.
IMPORTANT: Overflow water must run downward
through the tubing. Do not raise the tubing higher
than the grommet and tube adaptor. See Fig. 16.
IMPORTANT: Do not connect to the valve drain
hose you installed in step 1. Both drains must
have a separate hose or tube.
NOTE: Overflow drain tubing is available from
Sears. See parts list in back of manual.
Tube _,
Grommet,,,_ T,_lb_torI
NOTE: Overflow __....__
drain tubing is avail-
able from Sears,
Item No. 42-3433
(20 ft).
Overflow Drain Tubing _"
• 1/4 NPT Threads
Chp,, / Comp Fitting. 1/4 NPT x 1/2 in.
\ l Barbs O.D. Tube (Not furnished)
Cut Barbs from '_"
Drain Fitting (Pull 1/2" Outside Diameter
clip and remove Copper Tube (Not furnished)
fitting from valve.)
To drain
\_,, point other ..... STANDPIPE_
than floor "_
_" drain. '_
Valve Drain _--_ r_---T
tubing in Jl !-1/2''
place as I _ Air Gap
Tie or Wire 1-1/2" needed. J
Tubing in Air Gap
['=- ==_ 1-1/2" Air Gap
FIG. 16
Questions? Call The Kenmore Water Line 1-800-426-9345