Cause: The level of chlorine in your water supply
exceeds maximum limits, and has
destroyed the Reverse Osmosis mem-
Cause: The prefitter is no longer reducing
chlorine from the water supply.
iiii!iiiiii iiiiiii!!ii i iilii ii!:: ii iii! ii iiiiiii i i ii!!iiiiii iiii!iiii iiiii i iliiiiil!i!i !i!i!i !i
Cause: Postfitterexpended.
Cause: Reverse Osmosis membrane cartridge
Cause: Contamination in product water storage
Cause: System contamination.
Correction: If the water supply contains more than 2.0 ppm of chlorine, addi-
tional filtering of the water supply to the Reverse Osmosis is
needed. Correct this condition before doing maintenance on the
Reverse Osmosis system.
Correction: Replace the prefilter, postfilter and Reverse Osmosis membrane
cartridges. See page 20.
Correction: Replace the post filter cartridge. If taste and odor persists, replace
the prefilter cartridge and Reverse Osmosis membrane cartridge.
See page 20.
Correction: Use sanitizing procedures. Replace pre and post filter cartridge. See
pages "16& 20.
Correction: Sanitize entire system. Call 1-800-426-9345 for instructions.
Cause: Water supply to the Reverse Osmosis sys-
tem not within specifications.
Cause: Prefitter or Reverse Osmosis mem-
brane cartridges plugged with sedi-
Cause: Storage tank air-charge bessthan
5-7 psi.
Cause: Water supply to the Reverse Osmosis sys-
tem not within specifications.
Correction: Increase water pressure, precondition the water, etc., as needed
to conform before doing maintenance on the Reverse Osmosis
Correction: Replace the prefilter cartridge. If rate does not increase, replace the
postfilter cartridge and Reverse Osmosis membrane cartridge. See
page 20.
_te th:_
Correction: Open Reverse Osmosis faucet and drain tank until flow slows to a
drip. Keep faucet open and check tank pressure. If low, pressur-
ize to 6 psi. Close faucet to refill the tank.
Correction: Increase water pressure, precondition the water, etc., as needed
to conform before doing maintenance on the Reverse Osmosis
Correction: Send treated and untreated water samples to a water analysis lab
for testing. It is important to test both the treated and untreated
water to determine system performance. If the TDS is not within
the system's performance guidelines, replace the prefitter, post fit-
ter and RO membrane cartridges.
Cause: Missing flow control insert in reddrain tube [Correction: Replace flow control insert. See page 21.
or its corresponding port.
Questions? Call The Kenmore Water Line 1-800-426-9345 or visit KenmoreWater.com