Threading the Machine
The left illustration shows the completed threading
conditions of four threads.
(_ Lower looper thread
(_ Upper looper thread
(_ Right needle thread
(_ Left needle thread
(_ Thread guide
(_ Thread guide plate
(_ Threading chart
The machine is pre-threaded to make threading easier.
Tie the end of a new thread to one of the pre-set
threads, and pull it to draw the new thread through
the machine, following the steps below.
* Turn off the power switch before threading the
machine. ...................................
1. Pull the threads from the spools and draw the_::
through the thread guides, then tie the _b[_ed ......
2. Raise the presser foot, .....
knots are coming out from_ _ _heback ....
presser foot.
3. However, stop d_a_ing the _ _i_ threads w
the knotsre_ i i_ _ _e t_ _ _!e#Te ......
Cut the the
4. Beforesi i _sewing,
fromund : _:presser fa i make sure they
are not c_i Betow the _ie plate.
(Draw the direction A)
Then pull outi_ re _ _ back approximately
10 cm (4") away ii_::i:_e presser foot.
Lower the presser foot, and you are now ready to
(_ Thread guide
(_ Needle
(_ Needle thread
(_ Presser foot
(_ Needle plate
For re-threading the machine easily, start from
the lower looper, upper looper, right needle and
left needle threads.
Make sure to clear the needle threads out from
below the needle plate and draw them to the back
and under the presser foot about 10 cm (4").
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