Thread tension (3 threads)
Correct tension
(_ Wrong side of fabric
Needle thread
Lower looper thread
Right side of fabric
(_ Upper looper thread
Adjusting the thread tension may be required depending
on the type of fabric and thread being used.
Thread tension adjustment
Set all three thread tension dials at "3". Then sew, and
check the thread tensions.
Thread tension dial
(_ Setting mark
Incorrect tension
Needle thread is loose.
Tighten needle thread tension.
(_ Wrong side of fabric
Needle thread
Right side of fabric
Upper looper thread
(_ Lower looper thread
(_ Left needle thread tension
Right needle thread tension
Incorrect tension
(_ Wrong side of fabric
Lower looper thread
Needle thread
Upper looper thread
(_ Upper looper thread tension
(_ Lower looper thread tension
Lower looper thread is tight and/or upper looper thread is
Loosen lower looper thread tension and/or tighten upper
looper thread tension.
Incorrect tension
(_ Wrong side of fabric
Right side of fabric
Upper looper thread
Needle thread
(_ Lower looper thread
(_ Upper looper thread tension
Lower looper thread tension
Upper looper thread is tight and/or lower looper thread is
Loosen upper looper thread tension and/or tighten lower
looper thread tension.