
Kenmore Sewing Machine Warranty
Fu[[ 25 Year Warranty on Sewing Machine DieoCast Metal Frame
For 25 years from the date of purchase, Sears wil! provide free repair for the die-cast metal frame of this sewing
machine if it is defective in material or workmanship.
Fu[[ 10 Year Warranty on [nternaJ Mechanical Cam ponents
For 10 years from the date of aurcnase. Sears wil arovlae free reoalr for the interna mechanicam components of this
sewing machine f they are defective ir material or worKmansnle. This 10 ]ear warram_ aces noz qcIuae celts, which
are only included in 90 ear warranty described #e!ow.
Fu[[ 2 Year Warranty on Sewing Machine Exterior Components
For 2 years from tne date of ourcnase. Sears wi arovide free reoair for al! components of this sewing macnlne exterior
if they are defective in material or workmanship This 2 _ear warranty aces not inc_uae needle plate or accessory parts,
which are only ncluded in the 90 day warranty described #elow.
Full 2YearWarranty on Electrical Equipment
For 2 years from tne date of ourcnase. Sears wi arovide free repair for the elecmcal equlpmem of this sewing ma-
chine, if any part of it. ncludlng motor, wlrlng, electronic circuitry, switch aria speed control, is defective }n materla Dr
workmanship. This 2 ,ear warrant_, does not Include Hgnt DU!DS. which are on b Included - the 90 day warranty de-
scribed below.
Fuji 90 Day Warranty on Mechanical Adjustments and Specified Parts
For 90 days from the date of aurcnase. Sears _v_ orovlde
* free mechanical ac Jstments necessary for the proper operahon of this sewing macnlne, exce )t for norma machine
care and maintenance as described q the owners manual
, free replacemem of belts, light bulbs, needle pJates and accessory carts if the_ are defective _n matena Dr
This 90 day warranty aces not include sewing macnlne needles wn!cn are expendable 9arts
Warranty service is availabJe by returning this sewing machine to the nearest Sears Parts & Repair Center in
the United States
if this sewing macnlne is used for commercial or rema purposes, *varramy service is avauaDie for on y 90 eays from
the date of purchase.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
Sears, Roebuck and Co., D/817WA, Hoffman Estates, BL 60179 U.S.A.