Problem Possible Cause Solution
Not Drying Lint screen is clogged with lint. CIean Iint screen,
Satisfactorily Restricted air movement, Run dryer for 5-10 minutes. Hold
Exhaust vent or outside exhaust hand under outside exhaust hood to
hood is clogged with Iint. check air movement. If you do not feel
air moving, clean exhaust system of
lint or replace exhaust vent with rigid or
flexible heavy metal vent
(see "INSTALLATION','Section K).
Exhaust vent is crushed Replace with rigid or flexible
or kinked, heavy metal vent
(see "INSTALLATION','Section K).
Gas valve on supply Iine Open all vatves.
is closed.
Timer or the temperature Select the right cycle for the types
controI is set on AiR DRY. of garments being dried
(see "OPERATION").
Fabric softener sheets Use only one softener sheet per Ioad
blocking outlet grill, and only use it once.
Dryer located in room with Move laundry center where it can
temperature beIow 45°E operate in ambient air temperatures
above 45°E
Large amount of moisture Expect longer dry times with items
in the load. that hold more moisture (cottons),
Cold rinse water used. Expect longer dry times, but you are
saving energy and reducing wrinkles.
Load too large and bulky Separate load to tumble freely.
to dry quickly.
Dryer Will Power cord not firmly plugged Plug power cord into a Iive circuit.
Not Run into a live circuit with proper
Fuses blown or circuit Replace fuses or reset breakers.
breakers tripped.
Using a regular fuse. Replace with a time-delay fuse.
Dryer door not firmly closed. CIose dryer door tightly.
Button not firmly pressed. Button again.
Controls not set in an Reset controls in an ON position.
ON position.