[] Loosensideburnerin sideshelf. Toloosen,unscrewand removetwo front screwsandwashersholding
sideburnerin place. Note:Do not loosenelectrodescrew.
[] Removeknoband bezelfrom sideburnercontrolvalve. Toremove,pull knob straightoutfrom valve stem.
Unscrewbezelfromvalve face andset the twoscrews aside.
[] Insert valve stem through hole in fascia. Attach bezel tofascia and valve face with previously
removed 2 screws.
[] Place sideburner tube over the valve, making sure that valve is inside sideburner tube as shown.
[] Reattach sideburner to sideburner shelf with the 2 previously removed screws and washers.
[] Push control knob onto sideburner valve stem.
[] Replace sideburnergrate.
[] Connect both igniter wires to the igniter module on the inside of the right fascia. To connect, push
igniter wire tips onto pins in igniter module.
[] Unscrew igniter cap from control panel. Insert(1) AA battery (not provided) into batteryslot with
positive end (+) facing outward. Screw igniter cap back onto panel.