Manually Lighting Your Grill by Match
To light your main burners by match, Follow steps 1
through 6 of the Gas Lighting Instructions. Then light
the match and place it over the top oppening of the
Lighting Tube. Push and turn the nearest Control Knob
to the HIGH setting to release gas. The Burner should
light immediately. See Figure 9.
Figure 9
MATCH _)f _
Misalignment of Ignitoron Burner
Correction: Check for proper position of the
Electrode Tip as shown in Figure 4 The gap
between the Spark Electrode Tip and Burner or
Spark Receiver should be approximately3/16",
Adjust ifnecessary. With the gas supply closed
and all Control Knobs set to OFF press the
Electric Ignitor Cap and checkfor the presence of
a spark at the Electrode.
Disconnected Electric Wiras
Correction: Inspect the Ignitor Junction Box found
behind the Control Panel. Connect loose Ignitor
wires to Junction Box and try to light the grill.
• WeakAAbattery
Correction: Unscrewthe IgnitorCap and replace
the bakery.
Never lean over the grill cooking area while
lighting your gas grill Keep your face and
body a safe distance (at least 18 inches)
from the Lighting Hole or Burners, when
lighting your grill by match.
If the grill fails to light :
1. Turn gas off at source and turn the Control Knob to
OFF. Wait at least five minutes for gas toclear,
then retry.
2. If your grill still fails to light, check gas supply
and connections.
3. Repeatlighting procedure. Ifyourgritlstillfails
to operate, turn the gas off at source, turn the
Control Knobs to OFF, then check the following:
• Misalignment ofBumerTubesover Orifices
Correction: RepositionBumerTubesoverOri-
• Obstruction in gas line
Correction: Remove fuel line from grill Donot
smoke! Open gas supply for one second to clear
any obstruction from fue! line. C!ose off gas supply
at source and reconnect fuel line to grill.
• PluggedOrifice
Correction: Remove Burnersfrom grill by pulling
Cotter Pin (beneath Burner) using Long nose
fpliers. Carefully lift each Burner up and away
rom gasvalveOrifice. Remove the Orifice from
gas valve and gently clear any obstruction with a
fine wire. Then reinstall all Orifices, Burners,
Cotter Pins and cooking components.
If an obstruction is suspected in gas valves or
gas valve bracket, please call for repair service at
• Obstruction in Burner Tubes
Correction: Fotlowthe BurnerTube cleaning
procedure on page 19 ofthis Owner's Manual.
If the grill still does not light you may need to
purge air from the gas line or reset the regulator
excess gas flow device. Note: This procedure
should be done every time a new LP gas tank
is connected to your grill.
To purge air from your gas line and/or reset
the regulator excess gas flow device:
• Turn the Control Knobs to the OFF position.
• Turn off the gas at the tank valve.
• Disconnect regulator from LP gas tank.
• Let unit stand for 5 minutes to allow air to
• Reconnect regulator to the LP gas tank.
• Turn the tank valve on slowly until 1/4 to
1/2 open.
• Open the Grill Lid.
• Push and turn the LEFT Control Knob to HIGH.
• Press Electric Ignitor for 3-4 seconds to light
the burners.
If all checks or corrections have been made and
you still have questions about operating your gas
grill, call the Grill Information Center
8am - 8pm CST, Monday through Friday at
Should a "FLASHBACK" fire occur in/or
around the Burner Tubes, follow the
instructions below. Failure to comply with
these instructions could result in a fire or
explosion that could cause serious bodily
injury, death, or property damage.
• Shut off gas supply to the gas grill.
• Turn the Control Knobs to OFF position.
• Put out any flame with a proper fire
• Open Grill Lid.
• Once the grill has cooled down, clean the
Burner Tubes and Burners according to
the cleaning instructions found on page 19
in this manual.