Stretch Stitch Controi ....... Horizontal
Stitch Width Control ............ Green Zone
Stitch Length Control ........... Green Zone
Satin Stitch Foot
Fig. 1
A/ Fig. 2
Always make a practice buttonhole on
a scrap of fabric you plan to use, Try
the buttonhole with the button you
wil! use,,
Always use an interfacing in area of
garment where buttonholes are placed,
Tissue paper or regular interfacing can
be used, Tear paper away after
stitching, if it is used.
Mark the buttonhole length at both
ends and also the center" line SeeFig, 1
Set Stitch Width Control to Green
Zone,, Stitch forward on left side of
buttonhole until desired length is ob-
tained, Stop with needle in fabric on
right side of stitching, (Point A). See
Fig, 2
Raise Presser Foot with needle in
fabric and turn fabric around 180
degrees using needle as a pivot, See
Fig 3
Fig; 3