_1 Install Side Shelf Control Panel to Side Shelf Assembly
[] Attach Side Shelf Control Panel (N) to Side Shelf Assembly using 3 Phillips Head
Bolts and 2 Washers. Do not use a Washer on the end Bolt.
Washer : N4
Qty: 2
Part # SB0016
Philip Head Bolt: M4x 5/16"
Qty: 3
Part#: SBO009
With Washer
No Washer
_1_ Install Side Shelf Assembly to Firebox Assembly.
[] Loosely screw 2 Phillips Head Bolts (M6x3/8") and 2 Washers into the upper left and right
corner holes in the right side of the firebox as shown in Inset 1. Leave 1/4" of the bolts
extending out of the firebox sides to attach the side shelf bracket. Slide the Side Shelf Front
and Rear Brackets over the heads of those bolts and tighten.
Use 2 Phillips Head Bolts (M6x3/8") and 2 Washers to attach the lower holes in the Side
Shelf Front and Rear Brackets to the Firebox Assembly (I) as shown in Inset 2.
Use 1 Phillips Head Bolt ( M4xS/16" ) to attach the Side Shelf Control Panel (N) to Firebox
Assembly (I) as shown in Inset 3.
Phillips Head Bolt: N6x3/8"
Qty: 4
Part # SB0004
Washer: N6
Qty: 4
Part # SBO005
Inset 2
Phillips Head Bolt: M4x5/16" j
Qty: 1 Inset 1
Part # SBO009