KS152JB Universal Communications Controller
Technical Specifications
Kawasaki LSI USA, Inc. Page 21 of 120 Ver. 0.9 KS152JB2
2.9 Power Down and Idle
The processor has two Power Reduction modes, Idle and Power Down. Backup power is supplied
through the VCC pin in these operations. The processor can be put into the Idle or the Power
down mode by setting bits 0 or bit 1 respectively in the PCON SFR.
Any instruction sets the PD bit in PCON SFR, causes that instruction to be the last instruction
executed by the processor before going into the Power Down mode. In the Power Down mode, the
clock to the CPU and the peripheral blocks like Interrupt Controller, Serial Port, dma and Timer/
Counters is stopped. This causes the complete processor to stop its current activities. The status of
all the registers in the CPU, the ALU, the Program Counter, the Stack Pointer, the Program status
Word and the Accumulator are held at their current states. The port pins hold the value they had at
the time Idle was activated. ALE and
PSEN are both held at logic low levels.
There are two ways to exit from the Power Down mode. One is a hardware reset. reset and the
other an external interrupt. The hardware reset redefines all the SFRs but the on-chip RAM is
With an external interrupt, INT0 or INT1 must be enabled and configures as level triggered inter-
rupts before entering the power down mode. Holding the pin low ends the power down mode con-
dition and bringing the pin high completes the exit. After the interrupt service routine is executed
the program will return to the next instruction following the one that put the device into Power
Down Mode.
Any instruction which sets the IDL bit in PCON SFR, causes that instruction to be the last instruc-
tion executed by the processor before going into the idle mode. In the Idle mode, the clock to the
CPU is shut off while the peripheral blocks like Interrupt Controller, Serial Ports, dma and Timer/
Counters continue to receive the clock. This causes the CPU to stop its current activities. The sta-
tus of all the registers in the CPU, the ALU, the Program Counter, the Stack Pointer, the Program
status Word and the Accumulator are held at their current states. The port pins hold the value they
had at the time Idle was activated. ALE and
PSEN are both held at logic high levels.
Table 6: Status of the External Pins during Idle and Power Down
PSEN Port 0 Port 1 Port 2 Port 3,4.
Idle Internal 1 1 Data Data Data Data
Idle External 1 1 Float Data Address Data
Power Down Internal 0 0 Data Data Data Data
Power Down External 0 0 Float Data Data Data