
555 Dawson Drive, Camarillo, CA 93012 Phone 805-482-6913 • Fax 805-482-7422
Rev F
A Division of Thiessen Products, INC
IInnssttrruuccttiioonn SShheeeett FFoorr BBooxx 11 112200 OOrr 113311
EEnnggiinnee AAsssseemmbblliieess OOrr EEnnggiinnee RRaaccee KKiittss
• Apply a small amount of moly lube, about 1/16” diameter drop, to the 1/4”
dowel pin, this will help stop the pin from falling out when removing the head
bolt from the stud.
• Install the lubed dowel pin into a short head bolt.
Set the longer studs out of easy reach while you install the short ones.
Screw a short stud into the head bolt until stopped by the dowel pin.
Use this assembly to drive the short studs into the right (cam) side of the engine
case. See Fig.9.
Apply one (1) small drop of Loctite
620 to the first four (4) threads of one side
of the 7/16” case stud threads and then apply one more drop, 180 degrees, on
the other side of the stud’s first four (4) threads. See Fig.10.
Apply one (1) small drop of Loctite
620 to the threads of the center stud holes
on the right (cam) side of the case. Then apply a second drop, 180 degrees, on
the other side of the same case stud hole. See Fig.11.
Drive both short studs, as pictured, until the distance measured with your
calipers between the case and the bottom of the head bolt is 4.650”+/- .030”
above the case deck (gasket surface of the short block). See Fig.12.
Verify the top of each stud without the head bolt attached should protrude
5.250” +/- .030” from the case deck. See Fig.13.
Repeat procedure for the remaining 6 long studs.
Remove any visible Loctite with a clean cloth from gasket surface.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Use a head bolt and the furnished cylinder dowel
pin to drive the studs.
Fig.9- Install short studs here
Fig.10 - Apply supplied thread
Fig.11- Apply supplied thread
Fig.12 - Measure stud height
Fig.13- Measure stud height
CAUTION: Loctite 620 sets extremely quick, do not stop until the
stud has been installed to the correct height.