CAUTION: Do NOT use a cooktop cleaner on a hot cooktop. The fumes can be
hazardousto your health, and can chemically attack the glass-ceramic
• Thecartridgedoesnotneedtobe removedfromthecooktopfor normalcleaning.
If removed,bottom maybewipedcleanwithdampcloth.If electricalterminals on
cartridgearecleaned, drythem thoroughlybeforeusing.
• For general dailycleaningand light surfacesoil, usea cleandishclothor paper
towel and wash surface with solution of water and any of these cleansers:
as BonAmi,or commercialceramiccooktopcleanserssuchas CooktopCleaning
Creme (PartNo.20000001). Wipe withcleandamp cloth or papertowel. Rinse
and dry thoroughly.
• To removeresiduefrom burnedonspills, makea pasteofwaterandbakingsoda
or Bon Ami, Bar Keepers Friend, Comet, Shiny Sinks or nonabrasive soft
scrubbing cleansers,such as CooktopCleaning Creme (Part No. 20000001).
Scrubwith papertowels,nylon or plasticscrubber,suchasTufty. Rinseanddry
thoroughly. Ifstainis net removedeasily, allowpasteto remainonsurfacefor30
to 40 minutes. Keep moistbycovering withwet paper towel.
• To removeburnedon spot, usea singleedge razorblade. Place bladeedge on
cooktop at 30° angle; scrape off spot. Clean remainder of soil with method
NOTE: Plasticobjects,sugarorfoodswithhighsugarcontentallowedto meltontothe]
cooktopcan cause damage. See p. 6 for cleaninginstructions.
• Makesurebottomsofcookpotsarealwaysclean anddry. (Soilfromthecookpot
bottomcan be transferredto thecooktopsurface.) Beforeusingcookpotsonthe
glass-ceramiccooktop for the first time, and periodically as needed, clean the
bottomswith scouring padsor othercleansers. Rinseand dry thoroughly.
• Makeitapracticeto wipecooktop surfacewitha cleandampcloth orpapertowel
beforeeach use; drythoroughly. Invisible spatters,dust specks,cleansers or
water can cause stainsthat appear after unit is heated. A sponge or dishcloth
which isnot cleanwillleavefilm andsoil ladendetergentwater whichmaycause
stainson surface afterarea is heated.
• Whenfrying, usea spatter shieldto reducespattering.
• Usecorrectcontrolsettingsandcookwarelargeenoughtoholdfood andliquidto
preventboiloversand spattering.
• If a bad spifloveroccurswhile cooking,spills may be cleanedfrom the cooktop
whileit is hotto preventa toughcleaningchorelater. Usingextreme care,wipe
witha cleandamptowel. Becarefulto avoid burnsfrom steamor handtouching
the hotcooktop.