
1. Condenser
2. Lubricating Wick
3. Breaker Arm
4. Breaker Cam
5. Distributor Points
6. Oiler
7. Adjustment Lock
8. Adjusting Screw
The breaker points should be cleaned and adjusted to .020"
(0.51 mm.) opening. Remove all of the spark plugs except
No. 1. Rotate the crankshaft until No. 1 piston is coming
up on the compression stroke which can be determined by
the resistance in the cylinder. Remove the spark plug and
continue to turn the engine slowly until the mark "IGN" on
the flywheel is in the centre of the timing hole at the right
rear. This places the piston in the correct position to set the
Loosen the distributor clamp and rotate the distributor assembly until the
distributor rotor arm points to No. 1 terminal in the distributor cap and the
distributor points just start to break. To advance the timing, turn the
distributor in a clockwise direction; to retard it, turn in a counter-clockwise
direction. Tighten the clamp screw firmly but do not overtighten it.
The engine firing order is 1-3-4-2.
After setting the timing, revolve the crankshaft two complete turns, to make
sure all backlash is eliminated, and check the timing to the flywheel mark
Ignition timing must be accurately set to obtain the maximum efficiency of
the engine. Information above is given only to enable the operator to place
the vehicle back in service should trouble develop. At the first opportunity,
have your Willys-Overland Dealer check the setting with a neon timing
lamp which can also be used to check the automatic spark advance
operation, by accelerating the engine.