Ituner Networks Corp. Spectra 8
Virtually any video capture software will work with your Spectra 8 card. For most applications we
recommend that you use the WindowsMedia Encoder or the RealNetworks RealProducer or
HelixProducer. Other recommended video capture software packages are Webcam32 by
Surveyor Corp and ActiveWebcam from Pysoft.Com.
Under "video preferences" or "capture devices" options screens you will see that several video
capture devices will be displayed:
Select your desired video capture device and start encoding.
5.1. Depending on the number of simultaneous video capture sessions, video capture frame size
and number of captured frames per second, your system may or may not encounter overloading.
Typically, a Pentium IV running at 2.4Ghz should be able to encode from 2 Spectra 8 PCI cards
at 30Fps with resolutions of 320x240.
In case frame dropping occurs, lower the encoding settings by selecting lower frame rates or
lower resolution or increase your CPU speed.
5.2. Multiple cards usage in the same computer.
When using more than one Spectra8 card on the same system, please ensure that you have type
A and type B cards. When ordering more than one card, please specify that you need type A, B,
C or D (mixed) cards.