Console Instructions
During Setup Mode: This button is used to begin workout. Press this button once all
settings are confirmed
During Workout: It is used to pause workout mode. All workout data is stored during pause
Enter (Press the dial)
During Setup Mode: This button is used to select the desired setting you wish to change
and to confirm the values entered (Time, Calories, Distance, Pulse, and Program).
Pulse Recovery
During Workout: This button is used to test the user's fitness level. The user must press
the button, then hold the pulse grips until the console counts down 60 seconds (refer to
console functions for more information).
Body Fat
During Set Up Mode: Press the button to start body fat program. User will be prompted to
input Height, Weight, Gender, and Age. This program is designed to calculate body fat ratio
and to design a specific tension profile. In order to use this program correctly, make sure the
personal data has been input and correct. User must grip handlebars until the program is
completed. After program is completed, three values will be displayed:
Body Fat: Body Fat is the percentage of a person’s body mass that is not made up of
either bones, muscles, organs, or water.
BMR: Stands for Basal Metabolic Rate. Basal Metabolic Rate (metabolism) is the rate at
which your body uses energy (calories) at rest, affecting total energy needs.
BMI: Stands for Body Mass Index. BMI is a measure which takes into account a person’s
weight and height to gauge total body fat in adults.
Note: All of the figures below are not intended to be used as medical guidelines. Please consult
your physician for more accurate and personalized recommendations.
Body Type Female Male
Athlete <17% <10%
Lean 17-22% 10-15%
ht 29-35% 20-25%
Obese 35+% 25+%
Body Fat
Body Type Range
Underweight <18.5
Ideal 18.5-25
Overweight 25-30
Obese >30
Body Mass Index
If a target time was not selected, time will count up from 00:00 to maximum 99:59. When
working out with a target time, time will count down from target to 00:00. When selecting tar-
get time, turn the dial clockwise to increase value, turn the dial counter-clockwise to decrease
value, the time will change in 1 minute increments and can range from 1:00 min to 99:00
Displays current training speed from 0.0 to maximum 99.9 KM or MPH.