Accessories, Anti-Tip Wheel Extension Assembly - For 2G Suspension Arms After 6/30/98 .. 150
Accessories, Armrest - Otto Bock ............................................................................................ 122
Accessories, Headrest Assembly - A.B.S. Curved Back .......................................................... 124
Accessories, Headrest Assembly - Back Cane Only Option .................................................... 128
Accessories, Headrest Assembly - Profile and Recessed Back .............................................. 126
Accessories, Lateral Support Assembly - Basic Recline (4XP) or Tilt/Recline and Recline Only 132
Accessories, Lateral Support Assembly - Basic Recline (4XP) or Tilt/Recline and Recline Only 136
Accessories, Lateral Support Assembly - Basic Tilt and Tilt Only ............................................ 130
Accessories, Lateral Support Assembly - Basic Tilt and Tilt Only ............................................ 134
Accessories, Miscellaneous .................................................................................................... 155
Accessories, Power Wheelchair Tool Kit .................................................................................. 153
Accessories, Retrofit Kits for Storm Power Bases ................................................................... 152
Accessories, Vent Tray Assembly (After 4/30/96) - Basic Recline 4XP or Tilt/Recline and
Recline Only
Accessories, Vent Tray Assembly (After 4/30/96) - Basic Tilt and Tilt Only ............................. 142
Accessories, Vent Tray Assembly (Before 5/1/96) - Basic Recline 4XP or Tilt/Recline and
Recline Only
Accessories, Vent Tray Assembly (Before 5/1/96) - Basic Tilt and Tilt Only ............................ 138
Accessories, Vent Tray Battery Box and Basket Assembly (After 4/30/96) ............................. 148
Armrest Assembly - Basic Recline 4XP or Tilt/Recline and Recline Only ................................ 33
Armrest Assembly - Basic Tilt and Tilt Only After 10/14/98 ...................................................... 30
Armrest Assembly - Basic Tilt and Tilt Only Before 10/15/98 ................................................... 27
Back Assembly, A.B.S. Curved - Basic Recline 4XP ............................................................... 38
To order call toll free 1-800-333-6900, or www.invacare.com
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