
Battery Chargers and MKIV Harnesses
A - On 7/18/01 the Lester 8 amp. battery charger was introduced to 3G Storm Series chairs.
B - Used only when a 2GTR powered seating systems are ordered.
C - For manual recliners and high back captain seats.
D - Includes items 3-5
E - Includes items 4, 5, 7-9
F - Not Shown
G - For A.S.B.A. non-recliner, all powered seating systems and high back semi recline captain seats
H - For A.S.B.A. manual recliner and high back full recline captain seats
I - Before 4/1/03
J - After 3/31/03
K - For all 4-pole motors and all GB non-heavy duty and (GB heavy duty TTHD motors before 1/26/04)
L - For GB Heavy Duty TTHD motors after 1/25/04 only. GB Non-Heavy Duty motors no longer offered after 1/25/04.
M - For A.S.B.A. manual recliner and high back full recline captain seats, item 18 sensor cable must be ordered as well.
N - For models equipped with GB heavy duty motors after 1/25/04, order item 13 wire harness part number 1124821 and item
18 sensor cable part number 1092913.
O - CTE charger introduced and standard on-chair 4/1/04. Used on Gel Cell or AGM (Absorbed Glass Mat) batteries. For wet
cell batteries refer to the Lester charger.
O1 - CTE charger looks exactly the same as Dynamic's charger except for the company name that is silk screened on the
narrow side panel, where the charger plug is (hard wired) attached. Serial number starts with 04A00000001.
To order call toll free 1-800-333-6900, or www.invacare.com
Form No.