Network Device Driver Installation Instructions
Windows NT
The ITI-5232E Four Port Ethernet and Fast Ethernet adapter uses the industry leading
Fast Network Engine, Digital’s DC21143 PCI MAC. Digital’s DC21X4.SYS mini-port
driver is used to support the four Ethernet channels on the card.
Contents of the driver kit
Your ITI-5232E kit includes a floppy disk, which contains the Windows NT and
Windows 95 drivers.
The floppy disk contains the following files and directories:
(NT only)
File Name File Description
A:\WINNT \ALPHA \ DC21X4.SYS The Alpha executable driver
file for DC21143 Ethernet
\INTEL \ DC21X4.SYS The Intel executable driver file
for DC21143 Ethernet Chip
A:\WIN95 \ DC21X4.SYS The Intel executable driver file
for DC21143 Ethernet Chip
\NDIS.VXD NDIS Wrapper file
A:\ \DISK1 Flag file for NT
\NETPCI.INF Win’95 Setup information file
\OEMSETNT.INF NT Setup information file
\README.TXT Information released since the
last publication of the
documentation (if any)
\RELEASE.NOT Information specific to this
software release (if any)
Table 3 Contents of Software Distribution Floppy