Model 8662 Endpoint User Guide
Getting Started
The instructions in this user guide are for using the
Model 8662 Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) end-
on the Inter-Tel
7000 Network Communica-
tions Solution.
The removable Quick Reference Guide is an over-
view of frequently used features.
This guide includes the following sections:
• Getting Started: An overview of the endpoint,
how to set up your endpoint, and how to initial-
ize your voice mail account.
• Basic Features: How to use common endpoint
features such as answering and placing calls,
features used while on a call, and using mes-
• Advanced Features: How to use advanced fea-
tures such as presence management, advanced
subscriber tools, and hunt groups.
• Voice Mail Features: How to use voice mail
features, including advanced voice mail tools such as Automatic Speech Recog-
nition (ASR) and E-Mail Reader.
• Troubleshooting Tools: Tips and tools to help troubleshoot possible problems.
* The term “endpoint” describes an entity on one end of a Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP) connection. In this context, this guide uses the term endpoint to describe the Inter-Tel 7000
family of digital and IP phones.
Because many endpoint features can be programmed to perform expanded or
different tasks, some features may work differently than the descriptions in this
guide. Contact your system administrator for more information on how your system