Intel® Solid-State Drive DC S3500
Product Specification December 2013
26 328860-003US
The workload took 500 minutes to complete with 80% reads and 20% writes. A total of
1,007 GB of data was written to the device, which increased the media wear in the drive
by 0.016%. At this point in time, this workload is causing a wear rate of 0.016% for every
500 minutes, or 0.00192%/hour.
5.4.2 SMART Logs
Intel SSD DC S3500 implements the following Log Addresses: 00h, 02h, 03h, 06h, and
DC S3500 implements host vendor specific logs (addresses 80h-9Fh) as read and write
scratchpads, where the default value is zero (0). Intel SSD DC S3500 does not write any
specific values to these logs unless directed by the host through the appropriate
DC S3500 also implements a device vendor specific log at address A9h as a read-only log
area with a default value of zero (0).
5.5 Device Statistics
In addition to the SMART attribute structure, statistics pertaining to the operation and
health of the Intel SSD DC S3500 can be reported to the host on request through the
Device Statistics log as defined in the ATA specification.
The Device Statistics log is a read-only GPL/SMART log located at read log address 0x04
and is accessible using READ LOG EXT, READ LOG DMA EXT or SMART READ LOG
Table 20 lists the Device Statistics supported by the Intel SSD DC S3500.
Table 20. Device Statistics Log
Page Offset Description
attribute (if
0x01 – General Statistics
Num Write Commands – incremented by one
Num Read Commands – incremented by one
0x04 – General Error Statistics
0x08 Num Reported Uncorrectable Errors BBh
Num Resets Between Command Acceptance
0x05 – Temperature Statistics
0x00 Device Statistics Information Header --
0x08 Current Temperature --
0x10 Average Short Term Temperature --
0x18 Average Long Term Temperature --
0x20 Highest Temperature --
0x28 Lowest Temperature --
0x30 Highest Average Short Term Temperature --
0x38 Lowest Average Short Term Temperature --