1.4.3 FaxBack Service
The FaxBack service is an on-demand publishing system that sends documents to your fax ma-
chine. You can get product announcements, change notifications, product literature, device char-
acteristics, design recommendations, and quality and reliability information from FaxBack 24
hours a day, 7 days a week.
Think of the FaxBack service as a library of technical documents that you can access with your
phone. Just dial the telephone number and respond to the system prompts. After you select a doc-
ument, the system sends a copy to your fax machine.
Each document is assigned an order number and is listed in a subject catalog. The first time you
use FaxBack, you should order the appropriate subject catalogs to get a complete listing of doc-
ument order numbers. Catalogs are updated twice monthly. In addition, daily update catalogs list
the title, status, and order number of each document that has been added, revised, or deleted dur-
ing the past eight weeks. The daily update catalogs are numbered with the subject catalog number
followed by a zero. For example, for the complete microcontroller and flash catalog, request doc-
ument number 2; for the daily update to the microcontroller and flash catalog, request document
number 20.
The following catalogs and information are available at the time of publication:
1. Solutions OEM subscription form
2. Microcontroller and flash catalog
3. Development tools catalog
4. Systems catalog
5. Multimedia catalog
6. Multibus and iRMX
software catalog and BBS file listings
7. Microprocessor, PCI, and peripheral catalog
8. Quality and reliability and change notification catalog
9. iAL (Intel Architecture Labs) technology catalog
1.4.4 Bulletin Board System (BBS)
Intel’s Brand Products and Applications Support bulletin board system (BBS) lets you download
files to your PC. The BBS has the latest ApBUILDER software, hypertext manuals and
datasheets, software drivers, firmware upgrades, application notes and utilities, and quality and
reliability data.