This manual describes the 8XC251SA, SB, SP, SQ† embedded microcontroller, which is the first
member of the Intel MCS
251 microcontroller family. This manual is intended for use by both
software and hardware designers familiar with the principles of microcontrollers.
This manual contains 14 chapters and 3 appendices. This chapter, Chapter 1, provides an over-
view of the manual. This section summarizes the contents of the remaining chapters and appen-
dices. The remainder of this chapter describes notational conventions and terminology used
throughout the manual and provides references to related documentation.
Chapter 2, “Architectural Overview” — provides an overview of device hardware. It covers
core functions (pipelined CPU, clock and reset unit, and on-chip memory) and on-chip peripher-
als (timer/counters, watchdog timer, programmable counter array, and serial I/O port.)
Chapter 3, “Address Spaces” — describes the three address spaces of the MCS 251 microcon-
troller: memory address space, special function register (SFR) space, and the register file. It also
provides a map of the SFR space showing the location of the SFRs and their reset values and ex-
plains the mapping of the address spaces of the MCS
51 architecture into the address spaces of
the MCS 251 architecture.
Chapter 4, “Device Configuration” — describes microcontroller features that are configured at
device reset, including the external memory interface (the number of external address bits, the
number of wait states, memory regions for asserting RD#, WR#, and PSEN#, page mode), binary/
source opcodes, interrupt mode, and the mapping of a portion of on-chip code memory to data
memory. It describes the configuration bytes and how to program them for the desired configu-
ration. It also describes how internal memory space maps into external memory.
Chapter 5, “Programming” — provides an overview of the instruction set. It describes each in-
struction type (control, arithmetic, logical, etc.) and lists the instructions in tabular form. This
chapter also discusses the addressing modes, bit instructions, and the program status words.
Appendix A provides a detailed description of each instruction.
Chapter 6, “Interrupt System” — describes the 8XC251Sx interrupt circuitry which provides
a TRAP instruction interrupt and seven maskable interrupts: two external interrupts, three timer
interrupts, a PCA interrupt, and a serial port interrupt. This chapter also discusses the interrupt
priority scheme, interrupt enable, interrupt processing, and interrupt response time.
† The 8XC251SA, SB, SP, SQ products are also collectively referred to as 8XC251S